PRiMAL SWiM Levels

Below are the varying PRiMAL SWiM levels and descriptions that outline the focus, along with goals. Each of our levels follow a customized curriculum and all our classes have a Student-to-Instructor Ratio 1:1. The class is a 6-week session that meets 1x per week for 30 minutes. If you have any questions regarding where your child or you may be placed, please feel free to reach out to:


Call: (301) 642-9179

Slippery Squids (Ages: 13 – 15 years)

Objective: Level is primarily focused on coordinating whole body motion with all 4 strokes between the upper & lower body to move in sync. Drills will be introducing intermediate propulsion methods & race techniques (Specific time count drills, Back push-off with breakouts, Kneeling / Track Start dives, Flip Turns, etc.).
Goals: Receive progress report for specific skills acquired in Slippery Squids after the 6-week session!

Torpedo Penguins (Ages: 13 – 15 years)

Objective: Level is primarily focused on advanced propulsion methods (Physics of swimming, Flip Turns, angular velocity drills, etc.), and refining all 4 strokes to be fluid. Drills will be both active & passive technique work and consist of multi-tasking multiple components learned from prior levels to achieve swimming up to 25-50 yards consecutively.
Goals: Receive progress report for specific skills acquired in Torpedo Penguins after the 6-week session!

Swift Sharks (Ages: 13 & UP) Developmental Team

Objective: Level is primarily focused on passive technique & improvement on muscular endurance. Participants will be doing drills to achieve speed, strength and hydrodynamic proficiency for all 4 strokes. Drills will be at varying speeds and actively work on race technique for distances longer than 50 yards. Dryland exercises are incorporated with this level.
Goals: Achieve confidence in all 4 strokes and be inspired to pursue swimming in some competitive capacity or encouraged to continue swimming for exercise throughout one’s life.

Submariner’s / Adult Swim Lessons (Ages: 16 & UP)

Objective: Level is primarily focused on making adults feel comfortable enough in the water to allow them different forms of motion / exercise throughout the day. Drills are relating to all 4 strokes being fluid and a mixture of active & passive work.
Goals:  Achieve confidence in the water and to better one’s lifestyle through acquiring a healthier body by swimming and creating fun moments.



CALL: (301)642-9179